SATYA Organic Skincare Review – great for eczema, diaper rashes, insect bites, chapped lips, dry skin, and sunburns!







So i went to a craftsfair by BLIM and saw this interesting booth with just bottles of something called SATYA.

“Satya Organic Skin Care is a 100% USDA certified organic calendula balm. It’s a multi-purpose skin healer, ideal for eczema, psoriasis, rashes, and burns. Created using only four, top quality ingredients and handcrafted, Satya has no added fragrance, chemicals or preservatives.”

The lady put some on the back of my hand… and I was in love.


The texture is kinda like petroleum jelly, but not as oily.  My hands are super feet too.


Look at the after!  When I smoothed it into my skin, it ‘s so much softer and less cracked looking!  I put this on usually every night when I’m about to go sleep and my hands are definitely a lot softer.  I was reading some of their reviews and I’m super excited because I read a user put it on her daughters “chicken skin”…you know those small red bumps that are sometimes on the back of your arms?  I HAVE THAT.  And skin doctors have said its not curable.  Here is what the user said about it

This is amazing stuff! It cleared up the “chicken skin” that my daughter had on the back of her arms. Our doctor said there was nothing that would help and that she may outgrow it. Within a week of using the Satya, it was gone and has not come back. Thank you!” – Wendy B


Super excited – going to try it now on back of arms. 😀  Been dying to get rid of those since i was a child.



So what’s in it?

  • Organic Calendula Petals 
  • Organic Cold Pressed Sweet Almond Oils
  • Organic BeesWax
  • Organic Cold Pressed Jojoba Oils


I also have little areas of eczema and have been using it to ease the itchyness – works like a charm!  The lady also suggested to use it on my lips and I love it!  Make my lips very soft and moist – without the oily feeling.

I ‘M SUPER PROUD ALSO that this is local! 😉  But available hopefully to everyone in the world….



$20 a bottle – check it out at their website for more info on the product itself and purchasing! They also have a small travel size for your purse ($4.50)


Magnetic Polish by Nails Inc London

A must have.

Currently sold at Sephora for $16 dollars in “Trafalgar Square” (grey shade), and “House of Parliament” (Purple).  They don’t have the gold polish anymore, read from somewhere that they needed to retest the swatches or something.  But the fun thing is, they are coming out with a pretty teal color soon called “Whitehall Teal”.

Okay – my nails are super ugly.  and I have absolutely no painting skills…for goodness sakes, I’m a piano teacher!
I really had fun with these on my first time trying them.  You have to apply a base coat first, then a coat of this magical nail polish, after it dries apply a really wet and thick coat and quickly hover the magnet on top of your nail very closely without touching it.  There is a ridge that prevents it from touching, but yes, clumsy me… i touched it several times and had to redo it.  BOO…. thumbs down!  You’ll notice the patterns emerge really quickly which just fascinates me.  (yes..easily entertained).  After a long, long time when you are 100% sure that it is dry, put on a nice layer of topcoat and bam! PERFECTION!

I really like this magnetic polish versus the shattered effect that was quite a fad for a while.  Sometimes, shattered nail polish look a bit “messy”, but this one just looks very futuristic, and modern/classy!  GET IT !!  I can’t wait til more colors come out.

PS.  I went to London Drugs, cause a student of mine told me I could get a lot more different colors there by a brand called “Layla”.  The makeup person told me that for this brand you need to do a layer of color first before applying the magnet polish – I’m not sure if this is true but I’ve looked up on some other reviews and the contrast does not look as deep as Nails Inc.  Plus …it’s the same price as Sephora.  So if you are looking for more colors and don’t care so much about the contrast- try Layla…  🙂